Suppose that we could travel with the speed of light i.e at a speed that will take around the earth at the equator about seven times within a second! Even at these dazzling (and inpossible) speeds, it would take years to travel fron one stare to another a stare as the average distance between them are 30 million kilometers. in our own galaxy there are a huge number of stars-estimate range from one hundred billion to four hundred billions stars. and there are about 140 billion glaxies, some bigger than ours.
So we are speck of dust in a tiny solar system within a galaxy which has over a hundred billions stars, our sun being only one of them. And with 140 billion galaxies we shirink to the almost invisible. The mind just can not readily comprehend the huge dimension that we are considering here.
If there was a civilization existing somewhere on the outer fringes of our galaxy, and the aliens could peer at what was happening on earth, since the light from our earth would take thousand of years to reach them, they would only be able to observe what was happening on earth during the time of Abraham, or of Moses, or of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W), depending upon how far they are, not what was going on now. For this they will have to wait for another dozen centuries. The universe is believed to be about 90 billions light years in its expanse.
Thus if could travel at a speed of light (i.e at a speed that allow you to travel seven time around the earth at a equator within a second) it would still take you 90 billion years to traverse width of the universe.
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