Can the opposite mate be attracted and sexual desires aroused chemically???, In the animal kingdom it is a very common. In humans too, there is a growing evidence that certain chemicals may serve as attractants to the opposite sex.
Bees have a very complex system of communicating through release of certain chemicals ("pheromones" or insects hormones) which convey special messages to other bees. Butterflies and the moos are so sensitive that if certain sex attractant chemicals are released, the butterflies and moths will sense the sex hormones several times away (10.6 Km recorded). This sensitivity of insects has been exploited by farmers to develop traps which attract all the females to the trap from miles around, thereby eliminating the possibility of breeding.
What about humans? are their chemicals that will sexually arouse men and women? The answer is yes, and much research is devoted to chemicals which can serve as sex attractants in human beings. Yohimbine, an alkaloid found in the bark of plants of genus Yohimbe, has been used for the treatment of impotence of thousand of years. The topic is of special interest to manufactures of Perfumes.
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