Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Granular Space?

Space and time can be combined in the single continuum-Space-time. Matter can distort this continuum. Take a peace of fabric, hold it tightly at all four corners and place a heavy ball on it. The fabric bends downward where the ball rests. It is thought that space time itself is bent in similar manner by planet and stars. the curvature representing gravity. what is gravity composed of and how does it relate to the other fundamental forces of nature? is it possible to develop the theory of everything, a theory that will blend all the forces in the nature, including gravity, into a single theory? Is outer space silky smooth, as envisaged by Einstein, or is it rough and granular? How do planets attract each other? These are questions that have perplexed many scientist over the decades, be it Einstein or our own late Abdus Salam.
On June 30, 2005, in Canarie islands, Spain, A power-full telescope as magic (Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray imaging cherenkov telescope), While scanning the sky for high energy light particles (Photons), detecting smoothing truly extraordinary.
Light is believed to travel at a uniform speed in a specific medium, the speed of light being about 300,000 km per sec (actually 299,792,458 meter per second). The magic telescope, however found that the low energy particles of light reaching the telescope from another galaxy some 500 millions light years away arrived four minutes faster than their higher energy brethren. This may be important evidence towards the Granular foamy nature of space result recently obtained from a from a source of 12 billion light year away, Using Nasa's Fermi Gamma-ray space telescope, have found a similar 20 minute difference between the speed of faster low energy light particles and the slower higher energy ones. These observations have raised expectation that we may finally be in the verge of understanding the fundamental nature of space time, and gravity.

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